How We Built our Server Architecture After Moving from AWS

Programmer sleeping on his laptop
Image of us while we were still using AWS, Adobe Firefly

At WebWaddle, we’re dedicated to delivering efficient, reliable, and cost-effective technological solutions. In our early days, we utilized Amazon Web Services (AWS) to support our infrastructure needs, attracted by their promises of scalability and a broad range of services. However, as we expanded, we recognized that AWS’s complex ecosystem was hindering our progress rather than facilitating it.

The Complexity of AWS: An Unnecessary Obstacle

AWS offers an extensive suite of services—ranging from EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) for virtual servers to S3 (Simple Storage Service) for storage and VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) for networking. While these services are powerful, the AWS Management Console presents a user interface that is often convoluted and unintuitive. The complexity isn’t a matter of lacking skill; it’s about the inefficiency introduced by a poorly designed UI that complicates even straightforward tasks.

The intricate navigation and hidden configurations slow down operations and increase the potential for errors—not due to user inadequacy but because of the platform’s design shortcomings. This complexity consumes valuable time and resources that could be better spent on innovation and improving our services.

The Rise of AWS Wrappers: A Symptom of a Larger Issue

The challenges posed by AWS’s UI have led to the emergence of an entire industry focused on simplifying interactions with AWS. Companies like Vercel, Heroku, and Netlify have developed platforms that essentially act as wrappers around AWS services. These platforms offer more user-friendly interfaces and streamlined workflows, highlighting the extent to which AWS’s complexity affects even seasoned professionals.

The need for such wrappers indicates that the issues with AWS are systemic. It’s not about individual users struggling with the platform; it’s about the platform not meeting the usability standards expected in today’s fast-paced tech environment.

Hidden Costs and Unpredictable Expenses

AWS’s pricing model adds another layer of complexity. Services like AWS Lambda for serverless computing, Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) for managed databases, and Amazon CloudFront for content delivery come with intricate pricing structures. Costs can quickly escalate due to factors like data transfer fees, storage requests, and region-specific pricing.

This unpredictability isn’t a reflection of poor cost management but a consequence of AWS’s opaque pricing strategies. Budgeting becomes challenging when the variables are numerous and not clearly communicated, leading to unexpected expenses that can strain financial resources.

Questionable AI Offerings

While we don’t specialize in artificial intelligence at WebWaddle, we’ve observed AWS’s expansion into AI services like Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Rekognition. These offerings seem more like attempts to capitalize on current trends rather than providing genuinely innovative or user-friendly solutions. The integration and practical application of these services can be cumbersome, detracting from their potential benefits.

Embracing Sovereign Technology: Proxmox and OpenStack

Seeking a more streamlined and cost-effective solution, we decided to migrate our infrastructure to sovereign technologies. We adopted Proxmox and OpenStack Private Cloud, which provided us with greater control and transparency.

Proxmox: Simplifying Virtualization

Proxmox is an open-source virtualization platform that combines KVM hypervisor and LXC containers, managed through a clean and intuitive web interface. Unlike AWS’s convoluted console, Proxmox allows us to manage virtual machines and containers efficiently, without unnecessary complexity. This simplicity enhances productivity and reduces the potential for errors.

OpenStack: Customizable Private Cloud

For our more advanced cloud needs, we implemented an OpenStack Private Cloud. OpenStack offers the flexibility to tailor our cloud environment precisely to our requirements. Services like OpenStack Nova for compute, Neutron for networking, and Cinder for block storage provide the granular control that AWS’s rigid structures often lack.

Building a Highly Available Architecture

We engineered a highly available server architecture that not only matches but surpasses the reliability we experienced with AWS. Utilizing Proxmox’s clustering capabilities, we’ve established automatic failover mechanisms that ensure minimal downtime. OpenStack’s scalable architecture allows us to expand resources seamlessly as demand grows.

This setup wasn’t about overcoming skill gaps but about choosing tools that empower us to deliver the best possible service without unnecessary hurdles.

Achieving Significant Cost Savings

One of the most impactful benefits of our migration has been a 70% reduction in operational costs. By investing in our own infrastructure and leveraging open-source technologies, we’ve eliminated the unpredictable expenses associated with AWS’s complex pricing. This cost efficiency allows us to allocate more resources toward innovation and enhancing our services.

Enhanced Control and Security

Owning our infrastructure provides us with complete control over our environment. This autonomy enables us to optimize performance, tailor configurations to our specific needs, and implement robust security measures that meet our stringent standards. We’re no longer constrained by the limitations of a third-party provider.

Offering Sovereign Tech Solutions: Contact WebWaddle

Our journey has reinforced the value of sovereign technology solutions. At WebWaddle, we specialize in helping businesses overcome the challenges posed by complex and costly infrastructure platforms.

If you’re finding AWS’s UI cumbersome, grappling with unpredictable costs, or feeling limited by their ecosystem, we’re here to offer a better way. Our expertise with Proxmox and OpenStack allows us to design and implement infrastructure solutions that are efficient, transparent, and tailored to your needs.

Contact us today to discover how we can enhance your operations while significantly reducing costs.

Rethinking AWS: Time for a Change

AWS has played a significant role in the evolution of cloud computing, offering a vast array of services. However, the complexity of their UI and the intricacies of their pricing models can hinder productivity and inflate costs—not because of user shortcomings but due to the platform’s inherent design flaws.

The rise of third-party platforms like Vercel, Heroku, and Netlify—designed to simplify AWS interactions—highlights the widespread need for more accessible and manageable solutions. These platforms exist not because users lack skills but because AWS’s complexity demands a more user-friendly approach.

Building the Future with WebWaddle

At WebWaddle, we’ve demonstrated that it’s possible to achieve high availability, scalability, and reliability without the constraints of AWS. By embracing open-source technologies and investing in our own infrastructure, we’ve gained:

We believe technology should empower businesses, not burden them with unnecessary complexity and costs. Our approach prioritizes transparency, efficiency, and adaptability.

Let’s Collaborate for a Better Solution

There’s no need to settle for platforms that require additional tools or services to function efficiently. At WebWaddle, we offer alternatives that put you in control.

Reach out to WebWaddle today to explore how we can help you break free from the limitations of complex infrastructure platforms and build a solution that truly serves your business goals.

At WebWaddle, we’re leading the way toward a future where technology is accessible, manageable, and aligned with your vision—not encumbered by unnecessary complexity. Join us in redefining what’s possible when you take control of your infrastructure.

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